Marseille: Calanques National Park Guided Hike with Picnic
Picture 34 for Activity Marseille: Calanques National Park Guided Hike with Picnic
Picture 2 for Activity Marseille: Calanques National Park Guided Hike with Picnic
Picture 36 for Activity Marseille: Calanques National Park Guided Hike with Picnic
Picture 7 for Activity Marseille: Calanques National Park Guided Hike with Picnic

Marseille: Guidet vandretur i Calanques Nationalpark med picnic

Fra Planetazur
9,2 ud af 10
Gratis afbestilling
Prisen er 261 kr. pr. voksen
  • Gratis afbestilling
  • 5 time(r)
  • Mobilkupon
  • Øjeblikkelig bekræftelse
  • Flere sprog
  • Nyd den marine brise og den kraftige mistralvind i Calanques
  • Bliv betaget af det betagende landskab ved den franske riviera-kyst
  • Udforsk de smukke bækgrotter i Saint Jean de Dieu, Sugiton eller Morgiou
  • Test dit mod og spring i havet for en forfriskende svømmepause
  • Få mest muligt ud af de mange fotomuligheder, som parken tilbyder

Sted for oplevelsen

    • Marseille
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France


    • 184 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France | Guide will meet you in front of the fine arts school (Ecole de Baux Arts de Marseille) at 8h55 Bus access: Bus number B1 from Castellane Metro station, stop at Luminy campus. Make sure that you have the ticket or cash to buy it. 3.5€ (round trip) If you have used a metro ticket it still works within an hour. If you have a 24-hour or a week pass it also works. For those coming by car, you can park in the parking lot of the architecture and fine arts school on the Luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, Marseille. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park.
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Flere møde-/indløsningssteder er tilgængelige, se oplysninger om beliggenhed for at se hele listen.

Tjek tilgængelighed

Studenterbillet til gruppevandring
  • Oplevelsens varighed er 5 timer5 time(r)
    5 time(r)
  • Engelsk

Denne pris er for studerende. Personalet kan bede om bevis: studiekort, registrering på universitet eller højskole.

Starttidspunkt: 09.00
261,06 kr. x 5 voksne1.305,30 kr.

I alt
Prisen er 1.305,30 kr.
Privat vandretur
  • Oplevelsens varighed er 5 timer5 time(r)
    5 time(r)
  • Engelsk

Denne mulighed er skabt for at sikre det mindste antal personer i lavsæsonen, hvis du har behov for tilpasning, bedes du sende din anmodning direkte.

Starttidspunkt: 09.00
298,35 kr. x 5 voksne1.491,75 kr.

I alt
Prisen er 1.491,75 kr.
Vandring i gruppe
  • Oplevelsens varighed er 5 timer5 time(r)
    5 time(r)
  • Engelsk
Starttidspunkt: 09.00
298,35 kr. x 5 voksne1.491,75 kr.

I alt
Prisen er 1.491,75 kr.
Indholdet på denne side kan være maskinoversat

Hvad er inkluderet, og hvad er ikke

  • Hvad er inkluderet?Hvad er inkluderet?Guide
  • Hvad er inkluderet?Hvad er inkluderet? Picnic
  • Hvad er inkluderet?Hvad er inkluderet? Snacks
  • Hvad er ikke inkluderet?Hvad er ikke inkluderet?Transport fra og til hotellet
  • Hvad er ikke inkluderet?Hvad er ikke inkluderet? Busbillet (skal købes om bord)

Godt at vide, før du booker

  • Ikke egnet til: Børn under 8 år, personer med nedsat mobilitet, Gravide, Synshandicappede
  • I overensstemmelse med EU's regler om forbrugerrettigheder er reservation af oplevelser ikke omfattet af fortrydelsesretten. Leverandørens afbestillingspolitikker gælder.

Det kan du forvente

Oplev en af Marseilles naturskønheder i den berømte nationalpark Calanques på en vandretur i de smukkeste landskaber i Sydfrankrig.

Oplev Middelhavskystens autenticitet med en lokal guide, der er velbevandret i alt, hvad der har med din ekspedition i denne nationalpark at gøre.

Tag af sted fra den larmende by til roen på Aix Mariseille University Campus, ved porten til Calanques National Park. Lad dig forbløffe af bugterne Saint Jean de Dieu og Sugiton, Morgiou eller Sormiou afhængigt af årstiden og vejrudsigten.

En betagende panoramaudsigt vil være baggrunden for din vandretur, hvor du kan forvente at tage billeder og få mest muligt ud af dette magiske øjeblik med en picnic. Nyd fritiden til at svømme i det rene vand, før du tager tilbage.


Sted for oplevelsen

    • Marseille
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France


    • 184 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France | Guide will meet you in front of the fine arts school (Ecole de Baux Arts de Marseille) at 8h55 Bus access: Bus number B1 from Castellane Metro station, stop at Luminy campus. Make sure that you have the ticket or cash to buy it. 3.5€ (round trip) If you have used a metro ticket it still works within an hour. If you have a 24-hour or a week pass it also works. For those coming by car, you can park in the parking lot of the architecture and fine arts school on the Luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, Marseille. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park.
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
    • 184 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France | Guide will meet you in front of the fine arts school of Luminy Campus (Baux Arts de Marseille) at 8h55 Bus access : Bus number B1 from Castellane Metro station, stop at Luminy campus. Make sure that you have the ticket or cash to buy it. 3.5€ (round trip) If you have used a metro ticket it still works within an hour. If you have an 24 hours or a week pass it also works. For those coming by car, you can park in the parking lot of the architecture and fine arts school on the Luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, Marseille. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park. For those coming by car, you will meet the rest of the group at the entrance of the architecture and fine arts school in the luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, 13288 Marseille at 9h45. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park. Meet at the park entrance green fence in front of the Fine Arts School of Luminy.
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
    • 184 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France | Guide will meet you in front of the fine arts school (Ecole de Baux Arts de Marseille) at 8h55 Bus access : Bus number B1 from Castellane Metro station, stop at Luminy campus. Make sure that you have the ticket or cash to buy it. 3.5€ (round trip) If you have used a metro ticket it still works within an hour. If you have a 24-hour or a week pass it also works. For those coming by car, you can park in the parking lot of the architecture and fine arts school in the luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, 13288 Marseille. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park.
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
    • 184 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France | Guide will meet you in front of the fine arts school INSEAMM (Baux Arts de Marseille) at 8h55 Bus access : Bus number B1 from Castellane Metro station, stop at Luminy campus. Make sure that you have the ticket or cash to buy it. 3.5€ (round trip) If you have used a metro ticket it still works within an hour. If you have an 24 hours or a week pass it also works. For those coming by car, you can park in the parking lot of the architecture and fine arts school on the Luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, Marseille. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park. For those coming by car, you will meet the rest of the group at the entrance of the architecture and fine arts school in the luminy campus. 184 Av. de Luminy, 13288 Marseille at 9h45. You have a huge free parking car available just in front of the entrance of the park. Meet at the park entrance green fence in front of the Fine Arts School of Luminy.
    • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France